1. Purpose
– The shop can create Greeting message according to the script.
– The customer who sends message or comment to the fanpage will be automatically taken care and get informed of products, promotion, address, phone number.
2. Instruction steps
– After creating chatbots for the fanpage and setting up Reply Scripts, you can attach the script to greeting message of the created chatbots.
– On OCM, click the icon and select Manage chatbot. Then click Edit on the chatbot you want to attach greeting script
– Select Greeting message, check Script to be used as a reply when the customers first send message to the fanpage.
– Select a script you want to attach to the greeting message. You can check and edit the script or add a new script. (View instructions here)
– Then click Update now to save the changes.
Attach script to the greeting message
Updated on 24/03/2021