1. Trang chủ
  2. Online sale
  3. Sale on Facebook
  4. Follow up and reply to comments in livestream

Follow up and reply to comments in livestream

1. Purpose

Help the staff to follow up customers’ comments on livestream so that they can advise more and finalize order

2. Instruction steps
– On OCM menu select Livestream, here the program shows all livestreams on the fanpage connected to OCM and selected to view message/comment


– You can enter name, link or filter to search livestreams


– Click on view details to see all comments in livestream


 – Select 1 customer in the list to view details and reply to them, tag and create order after finalizing order


– Click the icon   to assign staff to take care of customers

– Click the icon    to watch selected livestream


Updated on 19/03/2021

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